5 Key Security Resolutions for Every CISO’s New Year
If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that nothing upends well-intentioned New Year’s resolutions quite like a global pandemic.
If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that nothing upends well-intentioned New Year’s resolutions quite like a global pandemic.
When it comes to a security breach, scope is everything—and the current Solar Winds hack has the government in its crosshairs.
The financial sector is a high-profile target for cyberattacks, and for good reason. Banks and affiliated networks are hotspots for sensitive data, confidential client information, and, of course, monetary spoils for malicious actors.
Like any field on the cutting edge, IT security suffers from plenty of myths and misconceptions. But having the wrong idea doesn’t just contribute to misinformation-
The nation is stepping up its IT security game going into 2021, and it all starts with government initiatives.
Are you introverted or extroverted? A thinker or a feeler? Chances are you’ve taken a Myers-Briggs test some time in your career, but regardless of personality type, studies show that the stress of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic has everyone under pressure.
Every presidential election naturally fuels dialog about our country’s future. For organizational leaders and those in IT security and compliance, the answers will define their priorities—and budget—for the coming years.
The chips won’t always fall in your organization’s favor. IT security is a precarious landscape, and although robust security protocols and preventative measures make a major difference, data breaches are almost inevitable in an increasingly digital world.
When 2020 began, no one could have predicted the working world’s massive shift to remote environments. Now, from VPNs to ever-expanding endpoints, remote security culture has become an integral aspect of today’s IT security.
Strange correspondence in your email inbox? Unsolicited phone call from corporate? Though you may not know it, you’re on the wrong end of a phishing scam—and it’s time for you to sink or swim.
We’re here to discuss your upcoming IT security assessment and compliance audit needs.