Tag: regulations


Vendor Management Lessons from Aetna’s $20 Million Lawsuit

You likely use third-party vendors to outsource your payroll, HR or IT infrastructure — all essential business functions. Unfortunately, in doing so, you’re giving multiple companies access to sensitive data, including private patient or customer information. In the event of a breach or leak of said sensitive information, it’s important to know where the chips fall and what liability you’re assuming when you outsource business efforts. Let’s take a look at how outsourcing significantly impacted the health insurer Aetna to assess opportunities and risks involved with hiring a third-party vendor. Aetna’s settlement If you’re unfamiliar with the backstory, Aetna made news for paying about $20 million in legal settlements from a case in 2017 concerning privacy violations of about 12,000

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More Breach Investigations Coming?

We’ve written about the massive Yahoo data breach in this space a few times now. First there was the news of the breach itself and the potential fallout as far as consumer confidence and valuation for the business itself. Then we learned that the breach was even worse than originally reported, with the original breach going back years. At this point, it might seem like all the news has been had out of this particular attack. Well not so fast, as yet again the story of the Yahoo breach continues to provide valuable insights into what organizations might face should they too suffer a breach. Investigation Underway The two previously reported Yahoo breaches occurred in 2013 and 2014. The 2014

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