3 Big Ideas: Security Musts for Strategic Leaders
Looking ahead to 2022? Join us as we kick off National Cybersecurity Awareness Month with three IT security essentials to incorporate into your strategic and IT budget planning.
Looking ahead to 2022? Join us as we kick off National Cybersecurity Awareness Month with three IT security essentials to incorporate into your strategic and IT budget planning.
What makes the modern CISO effective? Here are 4 keys to leadership for today’s increasingly complex security landscape.
Don’t let data breaches catch you out of pocket by saving now and paying later. Invest wisely in key cybersecurity solutions to reduce risk and curb damages.
The worst IT security scams slip through email cracks—which is why today, we’re breaking down the leading email scams of 2021, and what you can do with a strong cyber-defense.
New perspectives, workarounds, and efficiencies developed throughout the pandemic are likely here to stay —and so are elevated and complex cyber threats. That’s where IT security ears need to perk up.
You can always add new strategies to your IT security defense, but what if you could see into cybercriminals’ playbook?
Prevent, detect, and contain: that’s the National Security Agency (NSA) advice for mitigating the damage of malware attacks. The NSA’s new report, “Defensive Best Practices Against Destructive Malware,” provides a good proactive baseline for warding off attacks, along with advice on how to keep attackers from running amuck after they have gained some access to the network. Security experts have warned that 2015 will be the year of the particularly malicious hacker. Such attackers will wipe compromised networks after a successful attack in order to destroy forensic evidence. In other cases, as we’ve seen with the various “locker” ransomwares, data is encrypted and held for ransom. If demands aren’t met, the data isn’t released from its encrypted prison. “Defensive Best
News about the damage associated with the Sony breach keep coming, and is most likely going to reach new heights over the Christmas break. Meanwhile, criminals keep conducting immensely successful hack attacks against huge brands that should have the financial assets and talent to protect against breaches. Has this risk management gone very wrong — accepting the occasional hack attack as a cost of doing business — or are we fighting a war we can’t win? We know that data/networks can and should be secured more effectively. While no security system will ever be 100% bulletproof, there are glaring bad practice issues in all of the recent high-profile breaches. We’ll look at why this might be happening in a follow-up
We’re here to discuss your upcoming IT security assessment and compliance audit needs.